11 March 2018

The Blood-Sweeten'd Beverage

The Blood-Sweeten’d Beverage
Bristol Tea Parties 1778

So many words desperate and tumbling
but failing to achieve any clear meaning
in a city of slaves and of teatime protesting
telling the horrors of of savage dogs hunting.

Rust sailed galleys and black hearts pounding,
shackles clanking and brain shattered yearning
for freedom ebbing away on the tide lapping
on shingle and shell and never returning.

Gown black preacher earnestly preaching
pleading for freedom but the wrack is turning
its iron cold hands in the ache of an evening
to smother the shame of a master’s objecting.

But still the tea party’s challenge is thriving
in the cold dark of a city’s feigned weeping. 


Bristol traders were at the heart of the C18 slave-trade, 
as were the many fierce Bristol objectors to the hated trade.  
In 1778 Hannah Moore a Bristol teacher and passionate anti slaver, 
a friend of both William Wilberforce and  Thomas Clarkson, 
joined  the organised boycott of slave-produced West Indian sugar, 
thus avoiding any contact with what the poet Robert Southey 
later described as “…the blood-sweeten’d beverage…”  

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